Sunday, July 29, 2012

Second-guessing God

Did you ever try to outsmart God?  Have you ever “made a deal” with Spirit?  Do you ever have the experience that all the manifestation tools and clearing tools you’ve used in the past simply aren’t working anymore? Things are changing! Rev. Aliza Bloom explains how to keep up with changes in yourself and in the field of conscious evolution. Come away with specific keys to unleash your next level of expression and break through old patterns and pathways. 

     Aliza is best-known to us as the former minister at Unity Center in Austin. Now she is speaking across the country as the founder of Divine Awakening, an alternative ministry to guide people on their spiritual paths. She specializes in helping others break through obstacles and hidden barriers so they may open more deeply to their Divine Connection and Higher Power to discover and live a life of their dreams. Aliza has published her first book:  Be A BOA – Not A Constrictor, a whimsical fable about releasing limitations and discovering your BOA --Bold, Outrageous, Authentic -- self. Find her at

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