Sunday, October 30, 2016

Flawed Saints Day

As we approach All Saints Day and the Mexican Day of the Dead, we honor our ancestors, whether they were saints or not. Bring pictures and mementos of someone who has passed on - a relative, friend, or hero, whether you were acquainted or not - whose qualities you would love to incorporate into yourself. We will have tables to display the memories and symbols.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Angels Unaware

Rev. Melinda Wood Allen
Are angels real? They are mentioned multiple times in both the Hebrew and Christian Bibles and in Charles Fillmore's Metaphysical Bible Dictionary. We talk about what angels might be, where to find them, how to recognize them, and perhaps, even how to be one.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


An old idea from Unity might explain what's going on in the world today. And in your life.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Room for Grace

Rev. Melinda Wood Allen

The universe is plentiful and opulent! The desires of our hearts were put there for a reason. These statements are Absolute Truth.  So if we're not receiving all the good we can hold, perhaps the problem lies within us. Good news! That means the solution lies within us as well. In this talk, we explore the blocks we tend to create between ourselves and the inherent plenty in the universe, and learn to live in the flow of abundance.