Sunday, March 28, 2010

Breaking Free

What do Jesus' Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem and public reaction to the new Health Care Bill have in common? Give Rev. Ellen's talk a listen and you will hear an excellent metaphor that is just as valid today as it was long ago!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reawakening The Direct Experience

Bible scholar Dale Allen Hoffman discusses some of the nuances of meaning in favorite bible stories. He discussed some of the Beatitudes, which in the original Aramaic, was about experiencing God within.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Executive Power

Licensed Unity Teacher John Connor of Austin visited today and gave the third in a series of talks about "Living A True Lent", a book by Unity Founder Charles Fillmore. Rev. Ellen Debenport was out of pocket.

The talk was entitled, "Executive Power", referring to the power everyone has to make changes in their lives.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Points of Light

Unity founder Charles Fillmore had an interesting way at looking at the human body and ultimately who we are. Listen to Rev. Ellen in this second in a series on "Keeping A True Lent."