Sunday, February 26, 2017

"Head in the Sand' Is Not a Spiritual Principle

Some of life's events just can't be ignored on this human journey. How do we deal with the issues of the day, whether globally or in our families, and still maintain a spiritual perspective?

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Mind the Gap

Rev. Melinda Wood Allen talks about spiritual lessons in everyday life.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Afterlife and Aftermath

Does prayer cause God to intervene in our lives? Is one religion better than another? What is our purpose in life? And what happens after we die? God in My Head ends with answers to some of life’s big questions, as well as the story of what happened to author Joshua Grisetti when he started telling friends and family about his encounter with God. Because he couldn’t shut up about it. (Chapter 8, Part 12, to end of book)

Sunday, February 5, 2017

What's True and What Isn't

What are the questions you would ask God if you had a chance?  In God in My Head, author Joshua Grisetti asks about the Garden of Eden, angels, the devil, heaven and hell, and the true meaning of Revelation. He also gets the low-down on sin. (Chapter 8, Parts 9 to 11)