Sunday, June 27, 2010

Is There A Limit?

Is there a limit to far we can take the universal spiritual principles that we say we believe? Can consciousness really affect something like the Gulf oil spill? We talk about spiritual ways to view such mind-boggling tragedies and write letters to Unity of Gulf Breeze, FL.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers on Fathers (Day)

Rev. Ellen turns over the service to fathers in the church, passing the microphone around to men who speak eloquently about their experience as fathers and grandfathers. They include Rodger Marion, Roger Bentson, Bob Ochoa, Buddy Wilson, Jon Clayton, Ed Erdman, David Conway, David Norboge, Phil Walters, Don Judge, and a visitor named Mike.
Photo of Buddy Wilson by Roger Bentson

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Still, Small Voice Speaks UP

So sorry! Guest speaker Mindy Audlin gave a wonderful talk on June 13, and it didn't record! BUT you can get a glimpse of Mindy in her tryout for a show on the new Oprah Winfrey Network and VOTE for her show to be chosen.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Metaphysical Malpractice

We commit malpractice any time we judge or try to change someone elses creation. It might be perfect for them. And how are we doing on our own creations?